Hi everyone who reads this crazy Chemo Is Harder Journal! Sorry it has been so dang long since our last post. Truth is, both Brendan and I have been really busy with non-Chemo Is Harder stuff. Not only that but we are at a point in the process of making this a big deal that we are needing some outside assistance. Chemo Is Harder is about to come WAY to big for just the two of us to handle.
We have been revamping a few things with Chemo Is Harder as well. We are in the works of trying to get a PayPal account set up on our site so folks can purchase shirts online via a secure site. There have been A LOT of folks who have been asking how they can get shirts and soon it will be easier that trying to catch up with one of us.
Brendan, his wife, and myself actually went on a run tonight and talked a little bit about getting together a no-kidding gear list, talking with a sports nutritionist, etc. I have been focusing for so long on a race that I have this weekend (East Meets West Dryland Challenge - 1 Dog Pro-Class Canicross) it felt great to start thinking about our long cross-state run again.
Anyways, just an apology for the lack of updates in the last 2 months. We WILL be making them more often!
PS - The picture on the top is of a Mountain Goat on Harney Peak. This weekend Meg and Susan (from the Heart of the Hills Running Club in Hill City) and myself run up Harney Peak. It turned out to be an awesome run with good company to the highest point in South Dakota.