Saturday, March 22, 2008

More than 1 way...

There's more than one way to skin a cat...errr...opps...wrong blog!

This morning I woke up early and ran 15 miles to work. After work I will have another 15 miles to go to get back home. I ran in that dead piece of time between night and day, when the moon and the sun are on the horizon at the same time, just different horizons and if you are running north or south, you can look way 1 and think night fall is coming and look the other way and get excited for a new day! which brings me to my point...

There's more than one way to run 30 miles in a day!

As our cross state run gets closer now is the time to start experimenting with different foods, drinks, run/rest schedules, hydration systems, electrolyte replenishment, etc. I feel pretty good about my one the run food and drink options. I also feel pretty good about my hydration systems, and electrolyte options. However, one thing I am still toying with is what is the best way to get in an average of 30 miles for 14 days.

There's two runs of 15 miles, three runs of 10, or one big ol' run of 30. There's run 5 walk 1 and run 8 walk 2 or...

Or maybe we'll just have to wait and see what the day brings us. Roll with the punches and see how we feel. It might be smartest to let our bodies tell us which plan is right for the day rather than our watches. As long as we keep putting 1 foot in front of the other we will get to where we need to be!

Now if I could just come up with an easy way to explain to my boss why I showed up to work in running tights, worn out running shoes, and a stretched out sweaty running shirt!

Wake up early and run long,
