Hey everybody,
We got good news this week from a potential sponsor. B.O.B. Trailers and Strollers agreed to help us out with our high performance strollers. Coming this week in the mail will be 2 Ironman Strollers with a bunch of cool accessories.
They are one of the world's leading makers of high performance bike trailers and strollers. You can check them out at http://www.bobgear.com/. We were really wanting to work closely with them on this adventure because of their great reputation of making tough, light, strong, fast, and dependable gear.
While crossing South Dakota, having the right stroller will make or break our journey. We are thrilled to have them with us and can't wait to get out with our new strollers. They are shipping them out on Monday, which we are really excited about because we are hoping to get 1,000-1,500 + miles of training mileage on them before our cross state run. Check back here soon for some updates on how are runs are going with our strollers as well as for pictures of them in action.
Besides that everything is coming along great. We have already had 1 appearance at a Relay For Life event in Rapid City and have a bunch more planned. In the next couple weeks we should be getting shirts, merchandise, and brochures made as well...there are so many things going on right now with the Chemo Is Harder cancer research run.
Brendan has been out of town for the last few weeks but from what I hear he is getting in his highest mileage weeks of his life right now, getting ready for his 50 mile ultra in August. ROCK ON!
Run long and strong,