11:26 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm writing this from my tent in the middle of the Black Hills National Forest. I'm out on a back-to back long run weekend. My original plan was to do a 60 mile tune-up to test the B.O.B. and all of my differant systems on 2 consecutive long run days, originally planned for 30 mile days. I was also going to do all of this east of Rapid City on flat highways, being that that is about all we will encounter on our cross state run.
I changed my plans before leaving town. It was 96 degrees in Rapid today and to tell you the truth, I wasn't that excited to head out of town, pushing 40 pounds of gear while the rubber off the bottom of my shoes melted to the black-top a little more with each step, so...I waited until it cooled off a bit (7 PMish) and got in about 20. My run home tomarrow is a differant route so I am guessing my weekend test-drive will become a 50 miler or so, whish isn't as wicked as the 60 I had hoped for but still, what's better then 50 miles in a weekend, all totally self-sufficient?
Anyways, if my run tonight was any indication of the heat I will have to run in tomarrow, then it's a good thing I plan and getting on the road between 5AM and 6AM. It's late now and I better get some shut eye.
Run long and sleep hard,
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