A Snowy 20 Miler...may be a preview of what's to come
It does seem that at times Nolan and I are up to what may be one of the biggest challenges we may face in our lifetime. A year has passed since our inaugural run, and we are 3 weeks away from what will prove to be a monumental run and the beginning of our quest to help find a cure for cancer. Needless to say, we are excited and we are ready to hit the road!! We hope you follow us---for our journey and for what is to come for Chemo Is Harder.
As our packing list is getting finalized, we continue to run a ton of miles. It is necessary considering the amount of road we will be traveling on.
I just looked at my Garmin that I will be running with on our journey across South Dakota and I wanted to share with you an interesting figure that may blow you away(a bit of a test here)... My last 450 miles logged and guess how many calories I expended?
A) 10,000
B) 20,000
C) 50,000
D) 99,294
You guessed right if you chose D).
So, if you saw Nolan's last posting, he mentions string cheeses, and well, that would mean we would have to eat about 1103 individual string cheeses!!! We will have to keep up our intake of calories or we may just waste away to nothing...and we definitely do not want to do that.
I went on a 20 miler today and it felt pretty good, and guess what? It snowed!! Yesterday I went 13 and I fought 50 mile-an-hour winds and that pretty much stunk!!! I did not enjoy that run, but what I did gain from the last two days is this... Nolan and I may be faced with similar conditions while on the road, and we will have to grin and bear it. I look for such opportunities to train because I will have a mental edge over those type of days---cause I've been there!
I hope you have a great running week yourself-
...and remember,
"The Journey is the Reward"