Anyway, things are happening and days are long, but not long enough! It is extremely challenging to balance a job and trying to organize and prepare for the biggest event in my life- (besides getting married) Don't recommend it if you stress out easily and you tend to get ulcers. Cause you'll get em' if you don't already have them.
I wanted to let you know I was afforded an AWESOME opportunity to speak to a nursing class of 36 students (those who didn't skip to watch Oprah) - Ha Ha - just two days ago (21 Apr 08) on 11th Street in Rapid City, South Dakota. I LOVED IT... I just hope they did too.
It's not often that a person gets such a cool chance to share THEIR story with others. Well, I got to share mine, and it proved to be very hard (emotionally) for me! As I spoke to them, I stirred up heart-felt emotions of my dad and made it clear (I hope) that it is that emotion that fuels my deep-rooted desire to run across an entire state for cancer and to help find a cure!!
I also found out that everyone in that room raised their hand when asked if they were affected by cancer in some way (family, friends, co-workers, aquaintances, etc...) I believe most of you that read this would have also raised your hand in that classroom that day.
But, I also shared my love and passion for life!!! I hope, just as many others, like the Team Hoyt's or Terry Fox's of the world (Google them...they are MY HEROES!) Nolan and I can inspire even just one person to think BIG and do something selfless in the name of something that they too find passion in...My passion is not only running, but it is the quest to find a cure for all cancers.
We won't wake up one day with headlines reading; "CURE FOR CANCER FOUND!" It will really be won by one clinical trial and one type of cancer at a time. But we have to keep searching! Nolan and I will run many thousands of miles for cancer in our lifetime.
Our legacy will be Chemo Is Harder...a crazy idea that will hopefully spark the nation!
* What will you be remembered for after you're gone? (this is the last question I left my class of nursing students to ponder). I hope you do too...
-- A Very Special Thanks goes out to Edna Knutson. Thank you so much for making this happen and for helping spread the word about Chemo Is Harder! You're the BEST.
- Thank you too Mrs. Mary Minton for your support and for allowing me time to speak to your class. I hope to have another opportunity for other classes.
- And class...thank you for listening and tearing up with is why this run is so important for me and so many others. You can never say "I love you Dad..." too many times~~
"The Journey is the reward"