Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 13 - Webster to Milbank

Here I sit in the waiting chair at "Mirror Reflections", a modern salon and massage joint in Millbank and I just can't seem to think straight. I have been thinking about sitting "on deck" for my massage for a lot of miles and boy am I ready. What a treat! I've got to thank Todd Grabow for setting this up, what a stud...we owe you man!

Alrighty, lets see if I can pull back my train of thought to the road today and remember what happened!

We woke up at 4:30 AM to rain. Luckily there was no wind and decent temps so it was a little easier to get out and start the run. The rain continued for roughly 20 miles, although within about 1 hour in the rain, I finally broke down, unpacked the B.O.B., and threw on my rain poncho. The poncho is just one of those little throw-away, 99 cent deals, but I will say it again, the only thing that is REALLY "waterproof" is plastic. So there I was laughing hysterically at my situations...running on the side of the highway looking like Forrest Gump in my plastic poncho and running across a portion of the country just like him. Small things impress small minds...but come's late in the game and I am looking for humor where ever I can!

The run was actually pretty uneventful and even though I was wet, it was breezy, and my body had a few issues, I decided IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE A SITUATION, CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT IT! It was that easy. I went from not having much fun to knowing I am relatively warm, healthy, and safe and I should just try and enjoy the rain. That's all it took! IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE A SITUATION, CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT IT. No use dwelling on something if changing it is out of your control.

About 11 miles from the end a bunch of Brendan's friends and showed up and we got to have a little company coming into town.

So 11 miles left tomorrow. 11 miles! It's come down to 11 stinkin' miles. Amazing!

Brendan was right all along, the reward has been the journey. I'm not expecting fireworks or praise or excitement when we finish, just a peaceful feeling of accomplishment and the satisfaction of having the commitment to see this thing through. The reward, praise, and excitement was out there on the road. The rewards was already given to us in the signing birds, the sideways rain, the lonely highway, the running antelope, the blisters, the "kankles", and the people who shared our journey with us. People who go through life's experiences always expecting something more to happen are fools. They get to focused on the results and the rewards rather then the present and it's rewards. Don't miss out man!

I still don't know how tomorrow will play out. I do know it will be emotional but I have no idea what emotion...probably a little of them all. It's been a sweet journey and wild adventure!



Well everyone--

I cannot believe that this wonderful experience is coming to a close. Actually, it is truly just the beginning for "Chemo Is Harder"! I know it seems a bit sad for us too that our journey across this BEAUTIFUL state will end after tomorrow evening...but stayed tuned into this website.

I have painstakingly (but loved every second of it) taken many hours of video and pictures to chronicle this awesome trek! I am going to have a friend of mine produce a DVD that will show our experiences along the 429 miles across the FRIENDLIEST STATE IN THE COUNTRY! I say that despite growing up in Minnesota, and having experienced the "Minnesota Nice".

The other task I am undertaking is to write a book on our experiences and share stories, pictures, road humor, and much much more!!!!! I wanted to let you all know this now so I can get as many of you to look forward to getting our DVD & Book...and of course all proceeds will go through Chemo Is Harder and directly to cancer research efforts. We talk about getting the awareness out there and these are two media that I know will have a profound effect on fundrasing efforts --- to find a cure!!

I will keep you all posted on the progress of these two projects and cannot wait until they get released!

Well, running can be so funny-
I felt so incredible yesterday-really, but today was very challenging for me. Good, bad, good, bad. That is sometimes how the ball bounces. I figure I am due a good day tomorrow and that would be very fitting since it is our finale!

Despite the rainy conditions today, my beautiful wife Jonette drove into Webster last night from Rapid City and drove Noly (Six Toes...actually back to normal now, but I still like calling him Six Toes) to our starting point 3 miles east of Waubay. It was pretty uneventful, although I saw yet another great sun rise!

Then Roger Anderson came from Camp Rapid (the Army National Guard Camp in Rapid City) and was basically operating on fumes and many cups o' coffee to get to the Ortley area at the beginning of our day. THANKS so much for coming out here Roger...your word is your bond and we both appreciate you!

As the day progressed, I also had three great friends join us out on the road--- Todd Grabow (from Milbank), Don Zwart, and Dave Fischer. They are all three from the military and I served with them on the 82nd Civil Support Team (CST) (WMD). They took off time from their families to be with me and Nolan and that was incredibly kind of each one of them to do so. THANKS GENTS!!! You all rock-

We are staying at Keith and Diane Grabow's home and they are tremendously kind to take a couple of rag-bags like us into their beautiful home. We did the ice thing and then the hot tub thing right away as we got into Milbank. Actually, scarfed down some "za" at the Pizza Ranch (thanks Todd)...You are da man! I appreciate all your hard work and dedication to make so much happen for us and Chemo Is Harder--- we are eternally grateful...Murph-

Tonight will be alot of nothing but laying around and chillin out with the peeps (Mom, sister E-, GI Joni, My buds, and Keith and Diane). I look forward to hanging out and gearing up for the AM. Check out KELO at 10pm... they are running our story.

We are also going to KMSD radio station in the morning (9am ish) and will spend quality time there to talk about our journey and then we will begin our last and final leg of the journey! We are going to leave from the courthouse park at 10:00am (or close to that timeframe).

The public is encouraged to attend and join us on our last leg. Hope to see you in the AM.

Also, remember the party from 5:30-8:30 at Lake Farley. Food & Beverage and good times!!!
T-Shirts, bandanas and hats will be available for sale as well. Proceeds are going to cancer research efforts.

**A special THANKS to LTC Someson for stoping out in Webster at the Galley Hotel to drop off an envelope of donations that he collected at Dakota Care!!! You are all AWESOME in our book!
We appreciate your support---

Be there or be square----- Can't wait to see you all.
