Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Way too long!

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Letters from a tent...
11:26 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm writing this from my tent in the middle of the Black Hills National Forest. I'm out on a back-to back long run weekend. My original plan was to do a 60 mile tune-up to test the B.O.B. and all of my differant systems on 2 consecutive long run days, originally planned for 30 mile days. I was also going to do all of this east of Rapid City on flat highways, being that that is about all we will encounter on our cross state run.
I changed my plans before leaving town. It was 96 degrees in Rapid today and to tell you the truth, I wasn't that excited to head out of town, pushing 40 pounds of gear while the rubber off the bottom of my shoes melted to the black-top a little more with each step, so...I waited until it cooled off a bit (7 PMish) and got in about 20. My run home tomarrow is a differant route so I am guessing my weekend test-drive will become a 50 miler or so, whish isn't as wicked as the 60 I had hoped for but still, what's better then 50 miles in a weekend, all totally self-sufficient?
Anyways, if my run tonight was any indication of the heat I will have to run in tomarrow, then it's a good thing I plan and getting on the road between 5AM and 6AM. It's late now and I better get some shut eye.
Run long and sleep hard,
Get your service for FREE when you refer friends and family to PocketMail!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Bigger and better website...
Thanks to John from Black Hills Web Hosting, the website has been updated and redone a little bit. A few pictures have been added and some info has been changed. One of the significant differences is the picture of Brendan's Mom and Dad on the "How It Started" page. There is also a picture of Brendan and I on the home page by our contact info, this is something that should have been a done a while ago judging by some of the comments we have received in the past.
Also, our route has been changed a little bit. We will now run a 47 miler on Day 13, ending on Day 14 with a 10 miler. Day 13 should be the true test of the journey. And boy oh boy...10 miles on our last day, if all goes well that should feel like CAKE!
Anyways, things keep changing with the site and getting better and better all the time.
I'll write a journal post this weekend from the road. I (and possibly Brendan) will be doing two 30 mile days, back to back, with the B.O.B.'s. Camping out of our strollers and making a Chemo Is Harder tune-up out of it.
Should be wild!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Lean Horse 50 miler!

Late breaking news!
I'll encourage him to post some race commentary here in the next days.
As far the Chemo Is Harder Run is concerned, after Brendan's success with his 50 miler, we are now going to move Day 13's mileage up to 47 miles so we would only be left with 10 or so miles the last day! 47 miles with the Bob and Chuck should be WILD!
Run long and strong (like Brendan),
Get your service for FREE when you refer friends and family to PocketMail!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
It's been a while!

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Rope Swings and Curious Bikers

Monday, July 9, 2007

This morning I ran to work, 17.1 mile from my front door to my office door. I left at 4:30AM long before the sun came up. About 4 miles into the run I looked behind me, back towards Rapid City, and was surprised by the sight I saw. No wonder why so many people are pulled towards ultra-running! What else gets you on the road at 4:30AM to see something like this besides long-hual trucking?
Thanks for everyones posts on the Guestbook, it is fun to see people are following this Chemo Is Harder Journey and are now part of this adventure with us. If you haven't signed in yet, what are you waiting for?
Run long and strong,
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Relay for Life
A short-long run!

With me I had my sleeping bag, a tent, cloths, 1 gallon of water, first-aid kit, food, digital camera, water bottles, mp3 player, GPS unit, and a small portable ham radio (in case the "stuff" hit the fan...still cell phone-less and loving it!) .
I left the house at 4:30AM and for the first 8 miles it felt like I was fighting the B.O.B.. IT would fade one way and I would fight it back over and end up over correcting it and then I'd have t fight it back the other way. Over and over and over this happened. Then, about 8 miles into the run, it just started to click. I was getting the hang of turning the B.O.B. and making it hold a track on a straight line. Miles 8-20 were amazing. There were times when it felt like BOB was running himself, it took almost no energy to maintain its speed and it was staying on the course I desired with almost no help. That is when I started to realize just how cool being this independent on a long run will be (429 miles worth)!
The purpose of the run was just to experiment with how the BOB handles, how hills affect it, how the slope of the highway affects it, etc. After 8 miles all the bugs were worked out for this run and it was almost effortless. I ran the 20 miles in just under 3 hours, averaging just under 9 minute miles, including all the walking/running/screwing around with the BOB/and photos. A far cry from my normal 6:30 training pace for long runs but good practice nonetheless for an ultramarathon I will be running in August and the Chemo Is Harder run in May '08.
Run long and strong,
Friday, June 29, 2007
Inaugural B.O.B. Run

First Miles of Thousands!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Good News!
We got good news this week from a potential sponsor. B.O.B. Trailers and Strollers agreed to help us out with our high performance strollers. Coming this week in the mail will be 2 Ironman Strollers with a bunch of cool accessories.
They are one of the world's leading makers of high performance bike trailers and strollers. You can check them out at We were really wanting to work closely with them on this adventure because of their great reputation of making tough, light, strong, fast, and dependable gear.
While crossing South Dakota, having the right stroller will make or break our journey. We are thrilled to have them with us and can't wait to get out with our new strollers. They are shipping them out on Monday, which we are really excited about because we are hoping to get 1,000-1,500 + miles of training mileage on them before our cross state run. Check back here soon for some updates on how are runs are going with our strollers as well as for pictures of them in action.
Besides that everything is coming along great. We have already had 1 appearance at a Relay For Life event in Rapid City and have a bunch more planned. In the next couple weeks we should be getting shirts, merchandise, and brochures made as well...there are so many things going on right now with the Chemo Is Harder cancer research run.
Brendan has been out of town for the last few weeks but from what I hear he is getting in his highest mileage weeks of his life right now, getting ready for his 50 mile ultra in August. ROCK ON!
Run long and strong,