Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 10 - Ipswitch to Aberdeen

What a day...and I can actually say that with a smile on my face. I'm not wanting to jinx anything but today I actually felt as good as I have in a while. Don't get me wrong, something on my body hurt almost the whole time, but the miles just seemed to melt away for a good piece of today. It turned out to be a 30 mile run.

Brendan and I were lucky enough to have some company on the road today. We left Ipswich at 4:30 AM with my cousins Jessica Rappe and Melissa Rappe riding bike with us. 7 miles into the run Jessica decided she better save some juice for her track meet tomarrow and called back to Ipsiwch for a ride back. It was Brendan, myself, and Melissa for only a short time before Lynae Petersen joined us on bike and did about 5-6 miles with us. It was awesome having company on the road and it sure helped to get your mind off the miles and pains! Melissa made it 26 miles on bike and then ran the last 3.5 with us! Way to go Melissa!

We made it into town early because of our early morning departure which was good for a couple reasons:

1) We are able to get a nap, rest, and recovery time in during the day and
2) Running in the dark almost feels like free miles. Since you can't see the scenery going by, when the sun comes up you are already several miles into it, which makes it feel like it was free. Hard to explain but it sure is a nice feeling.

Anyways, better hit the hay and get some ice on!



Hello All-

Waking up at 3:30am is no easy task...Especially when you are still working on recovering from the previous days shenanigans. We did it however, and I want to THANK Chuck & Lisa Rappe and family for having us at their home! The hot tub was amazing---

Nolan and I iced for 20 minutes, went in the hot tub for 20, and kept doing that routine for a couple of hours. The goal there was to reduce swelling and then get our blood flowing into those sore areas so they could recover. Repeating that process promotes healing and actually worked wonders for the 30 miler we did today into Aberdeen.

We had 3 of Nolan's cousins on the run today (Jessica, Melissa, and Lynae)...great job girls and thanks a bunch for spending time with us out there!! Hope you enjoyed the trek.

We got up so early this morning because we wanted to get a jump on the day and also avoid the mid-day sun. It was beautiful out and it was a good thing we started when we did. It was great to have almost 9 miles done before the sun rose in the sky. Speaking of which, I got yet another chance to see the sun come up...and for those of you that have ever taken the time to do that, it starts out like a thin orange-red line on the horizon and slowly rises- revealing a distorted looking circle of reddish hue. It is WONDERFUL.

I am usually not up that early, nor do I take the time to enjoy the beauty of the sun...This is something I would like to change and invite you to do the same. I know life gets busy, but it is those small things we can't afford to miss---we only have so many sun rises to see, so try and see every one you can!!

As the day went on and Nolan spent a lot of time with his cousins, I had a chance to run into one of Nolan's friends on the road..."Peetie" the Pheasant. I happened to catch him napping on the side of the road in anticipation of Nolan's arrival up the road, so I caught him on video wishing us well and telling us how excited he was that we were running across the state for "Chemo Is Harder". I did get a picture with him in case you were wondering. **By the way, a tidbit of trivia on Peetie---he had a second cousin twice removed star in a movie you may have seen, called: "Dumb & Dumber". Check it out.

We had a good day today, great weather...and the hurts, aches, blisters, chaffing, itching, scratching, and any other ailments didn't seem to be so bad, nor did they matter so much. We are now roughly 117 miles from Minnesota!!! That feels pretty good, and cannot wait to see as many of you at the finish and Milbank on the 9th of May in the park starting at 5:30pm! It is truly going to be a celebration of life and we are going to be able to say we didn't just sit around waiting for someone else to make a difference. Even if that means to go get your moles checked out for skin cancer, get a breast exam, prostate exam, or anything that ensures that you remain healthy before it is too proactive.

I just hope that you all can take even just one thing we have shared with you and apply that to your life...If we have made any positive influence in you lives---we just ask that you pass that along to others so they too can benefit!! It is because of all of you that have supported us that we keep going and will keep going long after this two week run. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING for "Chemo Is Harder". See you on MAY 9th in Milbank!!! All details will be published on the website.

*Please visit our previous posting, we will have pictures loaded on that one too. It was too late and the computer I was on did not recognize my USB check it out.
