Can you believe how far "Chemo IS Harder" has come even over the past month? I must applaud each one of you out there checking in to visit our website because we had nearly 1000 people check the site today alone...
That is how the "awareness" part of our journey has skyrocketed out of control (in a great way of course). We have been stopped many times on the road from individuals reading about us in the local newspaper, to photo journalists trying to catch us on the road, to news station crews coming out to meet us on the lonely road. And it has been a wonderful experience!! THANK YOU-
If you read last evenings post, then you probably chuckled at the "kankles" story I shared, but I must admit, it was scary because if we had a medical doctor with us, I bet we would be grounded!
Thank goodness for Nolan's mountianeering experience and of course my expert medical knowledge all gained through my observations of my lovely wife (who is attending Nurse Anesthetist school) and I think I have picked up enough knowledge to self-medicate on a trip like this. If I had a bit of "Lido" or "Eppe", it may take the edge off just enough for us not to care about the aches & pains. Personally, my faves are "Ketamine" and "Propofol" since they are fast acting...since I don't have them at the ready, I guess I am just out of luck.
OK, so the sun has fried my brain, what's new? I will do my best with the remaining 3 brain cells, cause I think I lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000,000,000 per day along with a few inches of skin from my feet. But now that I am healing up (relative term here), I ran most of the day because it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as when I walked. Who could have guessed that running is actually good for you?!
Nolan and I ran into the only other condition we had not yet seen to this point (think & hazy fog). I was a bit on edge running on the shoulder during this four mile stretch west of Bristol. Visibility was down to 100 yards...literally. I was videoing during the fog experience and I could hear a car coming so I wanted to capture it on video. I saw the car going at blazing speeds and by the time I turned it around to see it disappear out of site---it was already gone. It reminded me of an Alfred Hitchcock movie or something Michael Jackson might use in a Thriller sequal.
We got stopped by a couple of journalists & a KELO reporter around Webster & they were great. Very friendly and polite. That is why I love this part of the country & South Dakota in particular---the people are down to earth, friendly, & so inviting!! It is amazing that there are few places like Northern South Dakota that have some of the greatest people on earth!
I also got stopped by Ben Anderson, an 80 yr old gentleman today just outside of Webster, from where he is from. We had a great conversation and I wanted to share with you all something that resonated with me, he stated: "I'm the richest man in the world...and I'm not talking about money, cause I don't have much, but what I lack in that I make up with my great health". He stills rides horses everyday of his life and also said: "It doesn't matter if I did have all the money in the world, because without my health, I truly have nothing". AMAZING in my book!
So, for all of you out there, I learned something new today---health is everything, without it you have nothing! So what did you learn today?? I challege each of you to seek out just one thing you did not know before today, and try to gear it toward your "own health". I think you will be amazed at what you can find! Who knows, it may even motivate you to do something positive for your health. (and it may be contagious...the good kind)
Well, we have 33 miles remaining tomorrow, and as I run thinking of you all that share with us your wonderful stories, insights, and motivation for us to keep going, I will also be thinking about Ben, the 80 yr old man who put some things in a new light for me. This journey has been such a blessing for Nolan and I and it is OUR HONOR to be doing this small act to show our love for life. No matter what the future holds, it will always incorporate "healthy living" in my motto. I hope you will consider incorporating the same into your life. Your family, friends, & loved ones will thank you for it...because you will be around longer to share "life" with them.
Plus, I got to see another sunrise today (as seen in the photo above)---did you get your chance yet? Seize that opportunity, you won't be sorry. Grab a cup of coffee and it will even be better!
See you in Milbank tomorrow!
Take care