Boy- Today was an extremely long day for everyone... I have to first thank Jason Peterson (Nolan's cousin) for hookin' us up at his place for the night. By the way, thanks for bringing us the the Jammer (Windjammer resteraunt) for the great food. Also, thanks for introducing us to Matt, he is a good guy.
We started out the morning (0400 wakeup) with some eggs, toast and oatmeal and it hit the spot. The morning started out great for us because guess why? (small test for you):
B) 40 mph winds in our face
C) Rain coming down in sheets
D) Sky was clear with winds from NW
E) Blisters were more manageableF) All of the above
** If you chose A you are incorrect. D is the correct answer and it was our first nice day!! Thanks for all the prayers, because they must have been answered after yesterday's debacle.
It was great to have my Mom, sister Erin and her boyfriend Shawn stay in Selby to come and cheer us on for our long day into Bowdle. The great thing about that is when I called Erin to see where they were, it turned out that they were 1 mile down the road in Selby! I ran down the hill and there they were! It was a wonderful site--- Thanks to Mom, Erin & Shawn for being here and driving all the way from Minneapolis! WOW-
Today I decided I was not going to run a marathon I told Nolan this & he laughed because of the mileage thing... Well, I told him I was just going to go out and run 3x 5K's with a cool down, then go after a couple of easy 10K's before gearing up for the half-marathon! I then would cool down with another 10K followed by 2x more 5K's. After that, it was an easy stroll into the finish! Life is all how you look at it. Make it hard, and it will be. Be positive, and things will be much easier for you!! That's how I tackle it-
This was a 45 mile day today, so we needed all the encouragement we could muster up...and between my family, the Kaup's from Hoven, like my sisters-in-law Jill (who also brought her two boys, Tyler & Dawson-who ran too) I am sorry Jill could not ride with us and her horse, due to the blizzard in Rapid City, but it worked out just as well with you running with us! 
Jason & Kay Kaup also came out with Connor & Riley to wish us well. Also thanks to Jodi (and Sunny), and Jackie. It was great to see Gladys & Elaine, Wayne Stuwe, Tim H. & Mr. K (who ran a long way), Shannon Stuwe & family and ...(well others too, and thank to all) they came out in fine fashion to graciously be a part of our adventure.
I want to thank each of you that came out today to walk and run with us! That was not only inspiring to us, helping us gut through that last several miles, but it made me realize that there are so many people out that that truly care about what we are doing and that means everything to us both--- Thanks to Kim and all of the folks from Bowdle that came to greet us at the end!!!
I cannot believe how many people came out at the Hoven turn-off and Tubbies in Bowdle (our ending spot) to cheer us on and be there while we mashed through the last of the grueling miles.
I just thought it was important to share with all of you that today was particularly special to me in that my Mom walked with me...To remind you all that she is part of why I am doing this whole thing!! She is a uterine cancer survivor of 31 years and she walked with me to show her support---I am speechless. Just so you all know, my Mom is one of my all-time favorites and she is also a source of strength for me, so you can imagine what a moment we had together!! Thanks Mom-
I never imagined this journey would take on the life it has. I am extremely elated that it has turned into an outpouring of support, but it is a very humbling experience. We are in the presence of such great people and when people like Linda Kaup met us on the road with her grandaughters holding up "Chemo IS Harder" signs, it choked me up. Linda a a very strong lady who has also battled cancer and has a wonderful outlook on life!! And she should, she has a wonderful family--- Thanks Linda
I also wanted to thank my mother-in-law Mary Jo Kaup for coming out today to take the fantastic pictures of our experience today. They are remarkable and we will cherish those forever! We cannot possibly capture those moments, so thank you MJ--- 
We also wanted to thank Heather Vanwell for coming back over to Jason & Kay's for the leg massages...I think it will help immensely on the 30 miler we have to look forward to tomorrow-
Thanks again to everyone that came out today- you certainly made our day brighter!!!!
"The Journey is the Reward"
*** Nolan is my post will have to do for now until he re-edits this later.***